The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. Mountain Shadows Campground appears in Fallout: New Vegas. Brushing against the trunk of the blue car at the west-northwest campsite causes its height adjustable suspension to fire one last time, knocking it into the air.Today's Physician on another park bench.Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap on the park bench at the main campsite.Neither of the secondary campsites contains a campfire or bedding.
The two secondary campsites are both at lower elevations than the main one: one lies west-northwest, while the other is on the other side of a guard rail to the east. The main campsite is near the top of a hill, and has a campfire, a camper with a bed and makeshift bedding on the ground. Random junk, old campers and broken vehicles are scattered around park benches. This is a small group of three campsites with no real significance.